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Moving in the Right Direction

In 2013, we started noticing a distinct change in the right direction within the family  justice system. We will be keeping a close eye on how things unfold and record them here. The direction is positive but it still has a very long way to go, but will policy and law makers be brave enough to go the distance? Time will only tell.

17 February 2015

Pres. Munby slams 'social engineering' by council that took baby from father

Judgement:  A (A Child), Re (Rev 1) [2015] EWFC 11 (17 February 2015)

07 January 2015

Pres. Munby - The cost of the use of an intermediary for parents in care proceedings would be met by the HMCTS

Judgement: Re D (A Child) (No 2) [2015] EWFC 2

Pres. Munby says family courts are 'neither compassionate nor even humane'

31 October 2014

Whether the judge adopted a linear approach

Judgement : Re R (A Child) [2014] EWCA Civ 1625

11 April 2014

Judge's fury over Councils removal of Judgement from Bailii. Haringey v Musa.

Judgement: London Borough of Haringey v Musa [2014] EWHC 1200 (Fam) (11 April 2014)

13 February 2014

Order to end collusion between judges and social workers.

Judgement: In the Matter of NL (A Child) [2014] EWHC 270

06 February 2014

Application by father under the Hague Convention for the return of his son to Latvia, following the commencement of care proceedinsg in respect of the child. Held that the English court had no jurisdiction to deal with the care proceedings and the child should be returned to Latvia

Judgement: Re A (A Child) [2014] EWHC 604 (Fam)

17 January 2014

Reporting restriction order limited to English language media

Judgement: In the Matter of E (A Child) [2014] EWHC 6

(Sir James Munby, President of the Family Division and President of the Court of  Protection)

16 January 2014

Publication of Judgments: Transparency in the Family Courts and in the Court of Protection

Family Courts

Court of Protection


(Sir James Munby, President of the Family Division and President of the Court of  Protection)

15 January 2014

UK courts must not decide the fate of foreign children, says Sir James Munby

January 2014

The process of reform: changing cultures

The process of reform : an update

(Sir James Munby, President of the Family Division and President of the Court of  Protection)

30 October 2013

The process of reform: changing cultures

(Sir James Munby, President of the Family Division and President of the Court of  Protection)

16 October 2013

Forced adoptions can be ‘set aside’

In the matter of W (A Child) and & In the matter of H (Children) [2013] EWCA Civ 1177

11 October 2013

A judge acknowledges miscarriages of justice in alleged NAI cases

Lancashire County Council v R [2013] EWHC 3064

11 October 2013

Summary of the potential impact on forced adoption

Where is adoption post-Re B-S?

26 September 2013

Delays in obtaining transcripts “unnecessarily and quite wrong” in applications for appeals

Re C (Children) [2013] EWCA Civ 1158

05 September 2013

Transparency and reporting restrictions in the Family Justice System.

Judgement by the President of the Family Division Sir James Munby.

22 July 2013

Court of Appeal raises alarm over approach to 'forced' adoption by local authorities and courts

Re B-S (Children) [2013] EWCA Civ 1146


12 July 2013

Transparency in the Family Courts and the Court of Protection

Publication of Judgements - Draft Practice Guidance

(Sir James Munby, President of the Family Division and President of the Court of  Protection)

12 June 2013

In the Supreme Court: In the matter of Re: B (a Child) (FC)

Risk of future psychological or emotional harm


Press Summary

04 June 2013

Committal for Contempt of Court  

Practice Guidance

(Sir James Munby, President of the Family Division and President of the Court of  Protection)

03 May 2013

Committal for Contempt of Court

Practice Guidance

( Lord Justice, Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales & Sir James Munby, President of the Family Division and President of the Court of  Protection)

01 April 2013

View from the President’s  Chambers (5)

The process of reform: London

(Sir James Munby, President of the Family Division and President of the Court of  Protection)

At last! Victory on secret courts Rulings in family cases to be made public after Mail campaign  Daily Mail Online.pdf